Disconnect the cable from the both the PC and SPOT X
Attempt a Hard Reset. Click here for the Hard Reset instructions
Verify that the SPOT is not processing data (tracking, sending messages, fetching, etc)
Verify the cable is firmly connected to both the PC and SPOT X
Look out for one or all of the following errors on your SPOT X or in your SPOT My Account:
Verify the Country code is entered (1 for US) and not the Area code for the Contact information on the SPOT X Contacts section
Verify that no special characters are used in the Predefined Messages. Accents are commonly used in foreign languages; these may be causing Sync issues
Verify there are no duplicates in Contacts or Predefined messages
A Factory reset may be needed if you are still unable to perform a Sync. See instructions here for completing the Factory Reset.
If you are still unable to perform a Sync, you may try removing all Contacts, Predefined Messages and Waypoints from your SPOT My Account before attempting the Sync