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SPOT Gen4 Assistance



Public API and XML Feed

SPOT API Support: [email protected] API Access: Be considerate when making API calls, this service is provided free of charge, please do not abuse it. Repeatedly accessing the same feed in very short time periods will result in your IP being blocked or your feed disabled. Please allow as least 2.5 minutes between calls of the same feed and if you are pulling multiple feeds have your application sleep at least 2 seconds between feed requests . -- The API will only return data from the point in time the feed was created, up to a maximum of 7 days. Example: If you create a brand new feed for a device today, you will not be able to pull data from previous days on this new feed. -- The SPOT XML Feed is built upon an XML data stream that is enabled when a new xml feed is created. The first step is to create an XML Feed in your account. Step 1 Step 2 Step 3 Step 4 Step 5 Step 6 Copy this feed ID. You will need to add it to the API URL so that your URL looks like this: https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ 0onlLopfoM4bG5jXvWRE8H0Obd0oMxMBq /message.xml If you need to obtain your feed ID again, click View Details from the XML Feed tab and it will display your feed ID for you. Available API usage calls: Adding .xml before any further query string parameters will return XML and .json will return JSON. https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.xml Last 50 Messages in XML format: https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.xml Paging in increments of 50 in XML format (Note: No ?start= results in newest 50 by default): https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.xml?start=51 https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.xml?start=101 Last 50 Messages in JSON format (both are the same request): https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.json Last 50 Messages with password (you should be able to add ?feedPassword to any of the feed requests): https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.xml?feedPassword=123456 Start/End Date - 7 days worth of data max restriction applies, regardless of what date you put in there: https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /message.xml?startDate=2012-07-03T00:00:00-0000&endDate=2012-08-02T00:00:00-0000 ( Offset functionality is currently not implemented, using -0000 is the only available offset) Latest - This one will show you the latest message for each device on the shared page, and only the latest message: https://api.findmespot.com/spot-main-web/consumer/rest-api/2.0/public/feed/ FEED_ID_HERE /latest.xml The following message types are available via the current feed: OK TRACK EXTREME-TRACK UNLIMITED-TRACK NEWMOVEMENT HELP HELP-CANCEL CUSTOM POI STOP The XML returned via an api.findmespot.com feed will look like this: 10 03XHH0sPyTiYUsYD2TVJ4q7CzEH89HBhG OneAtATime OneAtATime ACTIVE 0 7 true 10 0 4937065 0-8356068 Spot2 1364909292 HELP-CANCEL -99999.0 -99999.0 SPOT2 Y 2013-04-02T06:28:12-0700 0 The help message has been cancelled 4937064 0-8356068 Spot2 1364909283 HELP 45.42249 -111.68832 SPOT2 Y 2013-04-02T06:28:03-0700 0 This is the default HELP message. Please update. 4937060 0-8356068 Spot2 1364908774 CUSTOM 45.42249 -111.68832 SPOT2 Y 2013-04-02T06:19:34-0700 0 This is a custom message 4937059 0-8356068 Spot2 1364908765 OK 45.42249 -111.68832 SPOT2 Y 2013-04-02T06:19:25-0700 0 This is the default SPOT Check-in/OK message. Please update. 4937057 0-8356068 Spot2 1364908512 TRACK 45.42249 -111.68832 SPOT2 Y 2013-04-02T06:15:12-0700 0 The XML document will contain 0 or more messages. Only the messengers and message types enabled by the customer will be available in this data stream. ...

How SPOT Gen4 works

SPOT products transmit short 1.5 second one-way messages on either 1611.25 MHz in North America and portions of Central America or on 1616.25 MHz throughout the rest of the world. These frequencies are just above the GPS L1 frequency (1575.42 MHz) used by many aircraft navigation systems. When the SPOT product transmits, there is the possibility of interference even though both the SPOT device and the aircraft navigation/communication systems meet all FCC regulatory requirements for interference ....

How can the SPOT Gen4 interference be prevented in aircraft?

In many cases, keeping the SPOT device at least 12-18 inches away from any navigation equipment or GPS antennas will resolve the problem. This can be difficult in smaller planes as many pilots want to place the SPOT device on the glare shield. If interference is observed, move the SPOT device to another location and check again for interference. Continue testing until the problem is resolved. Please note that in some cases, the interference problem will not be able to be resolved unless the SPOT product is turned off....

How can I determine if the SPOT Gen4 device transmissions affect the aircraft’s navigation electronics? 

Turn on the SPOT device and place it in Tracking mode. If the aircraft navigation system starts to have momentary interference issues at the same intervals that the SPOT device is transmitting Tracking messages, then the SPOT device must be moved or turned off to resolve the interference....

Will I have to reset Gen4 tracking after 24 hours? 

No, SPOT Gen4 will send tracks at your chosen rate for as long as your device is turned on and moving. Tracking doesn’t stop until you do....
Affichage des résultats 1-5 (sur 6)
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Assistance téléphonique en anglais, français, portugais et espagnol.
Une assistance en anglais est fournie du lundi 6 h au vendredi 23 h. (Heure britannique), y compris les jours fériés.

Support en français et espagnol assuré en semaine à partir de 14h à 22h00 (Heure britannique), y compris les jours fériés.

Veuillez avoir votre NIP quand vous appelez.

La confirmation du NIP n'est pas possible par la voix. Veuillez insérer votre NIP sur le clavier de votre téléphone.

Votre code d'identification personnel NIP, est disponible dans l'onglet « RÉSUMÉ DU COMPTE », quand vous ouvrez une session dans votre compte SPOT « Mon Compte ».

+33 800 91 16 33       +33 184 88 3811

+353 94 950 5096

+39 800 743048

+31 800 0900114

+47 800 25 172

+46 20 88 15 59

Royaume - Uni
+44 808 189 6244      +44 203 966 6746

+41 800 001 516

+34 900 83 8735

Portugal (Chamada Gratuita)
+351 800 181 029

Pour tous les autres pays, appelez
+353 94 950 5096