



Randy Brown

Randy Brown is currently a Search and Rescue Manager with the Penticton and District Search and Rescue (PENSAR) Team, which is located in south central British Columbia. PENSAR handles between 50-60 search and rescue calls a year..



Ils sont le visage de SPOT. Nos ambassadeurs de la marque s'aventurent à l'extérieur tout en utilisant notre technologie de sauvetage.


Matt Nelson
Matt Nelson
Kelly Halpin
Kelly Halpin
Kimber Cross
Kimber Cross
Justin & Patrice Lavigne
Justin & Patrice Lavigne
Eric Porter
Eric Porter
Frankie Spontelli
Frankie Spontelli
Leah Tyler Szucki
Leah Tyler Szucki
Trevor Thomas
Trevor Thomas
Randy Brown
Randy Brown
Neil Provo
Neil Provo
Ramona Cox
Ramona Cox
Ed Gramza
Ed Gramza
Ann Driggers
Ann Driggers
Lonnie Dupre
Lonnie Dupre
Sam Mauldin
Sam Mauldin
Aaron Phillips
Aaron Phillips
April Vokey
April Vokey
Carter Andrews
Carter Andrews
Kevin Callan
Kevin Callan
Paul Pelland
Paul Pelland
Katie Delorenzo
Katie Delorenzo
Scotty Breauxman
Scotty Breauxman
David Lee
David Lee
Matt Nelson

Matt Nelson

Matt is a backpacker and mountaineer. He can normally be found on one of Colorado's many summits. 

Kelly Halpin

Kelly Halpin

Kelly Halpin grew up next to Grand Teton National Park with the mountains and forest as her playground. She spent her earlier years climbing, hiking, and snowboarding the Teton range. Today Kelly is an avid mountain runner and adventurer, merging her passions for running, climbing, travel, and exploring remote and wild places. She enjoys the challenge of pushing herself mentally through difficult endurance feats. Kelly works hard through adventure and art to inspire people to get outside.

Kimber Cross

Kimber Cross

Mountaineer & Photographer
Kimber Cross, a native of Washington state, grew up learning to overcome her handicap of being born without a right hand and achieve success in life through her avid activities in sports and the outdoors. Whether she is rock climbing or traveling on glaciers for the next summit, Kimber has modified and adapted her tools and technique for safety and success in her sports.

Justin & Patrice Lavigne

Justin & Patrice Lavigne

We are modern-day nomads, spending more time in the backcountry or on the road than settled somewhere. Over the years, our SPOT device has given peace of mind to our friends and families with our 12,000 cumulative trail miles and goals to reach the highest peak in every state. When Justin climbed Denali in 2016, I (Patrice) stalked his SPOT check-ins. I am so stoked we’ve upgraded to the SPOT X two-way satellite messenger for his 2019 Denali climb. As the person left behind, it will ease the worry at least some!

Eric Porter

Eric Porter

Mountain Biker
Eric is a mountain bike adventurer and environmental advocate. 

Frankie Spontelli

Frankie Spontelli

Frankie is a freelance adventuer photographer. He spends his days in remote places, capturing the beauty of the Rocky Mountains and beyond.

Leah Tyler Szucki

Leah Tyler Szucki

Hiker and Trail Mom
Leah is a weekend warrior and trial mom based in Alberta, Canada. After working a full-time job during the week, she tackles Canada's hikes - not just the "hard and accomplishing" ones that require equipemtna dn skills, but the more moderate ones that everyone can do. She often brings her newborn daughter out on the trails and always provides informatiom so other people can get outside. 

Trevor Thomas

Trevor Thomas

Blind Hiker
"As a professional, blind long distance hiker, safety for myself and my guide dog is my priority when in the back country. No matter who you are, things can go wrong and my SPOT GEN3 is the most important piece of gear that I have."

Randy Brown

Randy Brown

Search and Rescue
Randy Brown is currently a Search and Rescue Manager with the Penticton and District Search and Rescue (PENSAR) Team, which is located in south central British Columbia. PENSAR handles between 50-60 search and rescue calls a year. They respond via air, land and water to help individuals in distress. Randy recognizes that communication is a critical issue when one starts to explore outdoors having a communications link such as a satellite receiver/transceiver is as important today as the everyday use of the cell phone. He is an active outdoors person, enjoying hiking, snowshoeing and exploring whenever possible.

Neil Provo

Neil Provo

Mountain Biker, Angler and Skier
Neil Provo enjoys snowboarding, skateboarding, and flyfishing in the great landscape of Utah!

Ramona Cox

Ramona Cox

As an adventure traveler, gear reviewer and speaker, Ramona's goal is to share tales, tips and lessons learned from two decades of adventure travel. A proficient and highly skilled pilot (aka SkyChick), Ramona is best known for her three-month solo flying adventures into some of the most remote and challenging wilderness airstrips in North America.

Ed Gramza

Ed Gramza

Hunter & Fisherman
Edward is an avid hunter and fisherman. He is part of the 2% for Conservation movement. 2% for Conservation is a non-profit organization that certifies true conservationists. Businesses and individuals committed to giving at least 1% of their time and at least 1% of their money to conservation organizations deserve recognition.

Ann Driggers

Ann Driggers

Mountain Biker
Ann Driggers is a weekend warrior and backcountry bon vivant who lives to hike, ride, run, and ski in the great outdoors. She is most often found roaming through the mountains and red-rock canyons of western Colorado with her Jack Russell Terrier, Scooter.

Lonnie Dupre

Lonnie Dupre

Lonnie was born in 1961 and raised on a Minnesota country farm. He is descended on his mother’s side from Jacques Cartier, the French explorer and founder of Quebec. Lonnie currently lives in Grand Marais, Minnesota enjoying  woodworking and back country skiing in the Quetico/Boundary Waters Wilderness of the Minnesota/Canadian border area.

Sam Mauldin

Sam Mauldin

Sam is a Colorado-based climber, SUPer, motorcyclist and general adventurer. He was born in Texas, raised in Nicaragua and has traveled the world. 

Aaron Phillips

Aaron Phillips

Fisherman & Paddler
With a desire for the outdoors and a natural drive, Aaron has been learning, teaching, and exploring nature his entire life. He is a third-generation Florida native, an avid fisherman and an extreme survivalist. 

April Vokey

April Vokey

Angler and Hunter
"Finally I have a way to let my family know that I'm ok (or not) while fishing and hunting! Over the years, I've dabbled with various devices that can reach emergency services if I'm lost or injured... but none of them allowed me the opportunity to communicate reliably with my family and track my movements. My SPOT GEN3 lets them know if I'm ok, if I'll be late, if I need non-life-threatening assistance, or if I need emergency-responders. All of us just feel a little more secure not having to wait for me to get back in cell service to check in."

Carter Andrews

Carter Andrews

"The Obsession of Carter Andrews"
"Whether I am on a fishing adventure with my family and friends or filming an episode of my TV show The Obsession of Carter Andrews I travel with my SPOT GEN3. The security and confidence I feel with SPOT allows me to enjoy the adventure that much more."

Kevin Callan

Kevin Callan

Kevin Callan (aka The Happy Camper) is the author of 18 books; his latest being Once Around Algonquin: An Epic Canoe Journey. He is an award-winning writer and a keynote speaker at outdoor events across North America. Kevin is also a regular guest on several television morning shows and CBC Radio. He has won several film awards, writes a column for Paddling Magazine and Explore Magazine. Kevin was listed one of the top 100 modern day explorers by the Canadian Geographical Society. He was also made Patron Paddler for Paddle Canada.
The Happy Camper’s Top 5 Safety Tips for Outdoor Adventures 

Whether you’re on an RV road trip, opening the cottage for the summer, camping, or paddling and portaging into the remote unknown – or venturing any place where cellular service is not available or reliable this spring, Kevin Callan, also known as The Happy Camper, has provided his top 5 tips to help ensure your safety and provide peace of mind for loved ones.

1. Pack a first-aid kit. More importantly, know how to use it. You should be updating your first-aid by taking a course at least every 3-5 years. Someone can have a good supply of bandages and splints, but if they don’t know how to use them, then things can turn from bad to worse very quickly.

2. Make sure to have the ability to obtain water - or a water filter to obtain drinkable water. Water is the most crucial to all survival.

3. Shelter and food comes next in the game of survival. It’s very important to have the ability to find shelter, or build a shelter, and get warm and dry quickly. Check out all the possible light weight survival kits available at most stores. Those S.O.L (Survive Outdoor Longer) bivy kits are amazing. And, remember to pack some high protein snacks.

4. Invest in some type of communication device that can work beyond cell service. Technology has advanced greatly and there are far more ways to communicate for help then merely writing SOS in the sand or flashing a signal mirror at passing planes. The SPOT X 2-Way Satellite Messenger is a perfect bit of technology to pack, allowing you to let everyone know your location and that you are safe and sound - or to send a distress signal for help. With SPOT X you can send an SOS and also receive messages back, improving communication with friends, family and the rescue team coming to help you out, should you need it.

5. This last one may seem simplistic to some - but to others it has led to some amazing rescues rather than nasty misadventures out there in the woods. It’s not a piece of gear or some sort of new high-tech technology. It’s simply packing along some common sense. Create a trip plan - and stick to it. So, if you can’t connect with the outside world, at least there is someone back home that knows the general area to tell the searches to start looking.

Paul Pelland

Paul Pelland

"Long Haul Paul"
"In addition to having peace of mind while traveling alone, my SPOT allows my supporters to follow my journey as I cross the continent chasing a cure for Multiple Sclerosis. MS may have taken my memory, but by using the SPOT GEN3, I no longer worry about forgetting to call my wife after long days on the road. Yes, my SPOT doubles as a marriage saving device!"

Katie Delorenzo

Katie Delorenzo

New Mexico Huntress
"Being alone in the wilderness with no cell service is unsettling. As an aspiring solo hunter in the vast open space of the Western U.S., the SPOT GEN 3 gives me the confidence to explore. From its tracking capability to the SOS feature, the SPOT device reassures my family that I'm safe and gives me tremendous peace of mind knowing that if I ever do end up in a survival situation I can summon help with the touch of a button."

Scotty Breauxman

Scotty Breauxman

Moto Adventurer & Creator of BAJA Rally
"Riding alone in the Baja Rally CA desert seems like a careless risk. With my SPOT always within reach of either hand, it becomes a calculated risk. SPOT is as important to me as fuel and water."

David Lee

David Lee

Climbing, Paddling
David’s life can be defined by one word - passion. Passion is the fuel that drives him to pursue his endless outdoor adventures in all manner of conditions and scenarios. Whether being swarmed by biting insects in the height of bug season, or sleeping under the stars in the dead of winter, there isn’t much he hasn’t experienced. He is regularly missing from home over 100+ days a year on adventures across Canada and the US, whether tracing long lost canoe routes, taking on personal endurance challenges, or scaling 14K foot mountains. Often found in remote and untrammeled destinations, he is grateful for the support of SPOT in ensuring he has a lifeline to help, wherever he is. 


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