Alfred Moore, an outdoor aficionado from Southern California, has been riding motorcycles for four years, on average 3-5 days a week. He and seven of his buddies recently went on a three-day weekend camping trip in the Los Padres National Forest. On the second day, Alfred and one other were tailing at the end of their group when he hit a switchback in the soft sand and took a hard fall.
After his friend helped pull his bike off of him, Alfred realized he was in bad shape. "The initial pain was horrific, but then I lost feeling in my leg below my knee cap," he stated. Alfred's first instinct was to call his wife, Tiffanie. After dropped calls due to poor cell coverage, he grabbed his SPOT Gen3 that his wife convinced him to purchase just days prior to trip and pressed the SOS button.
Back at home, Tiffanie received the call from GEOS International Emergency Rescue Coordination Center. She had told GEOS that she suspected he was in trouble after the attempted calls he had made earlier but didn't know what was wrong. They assured her help was on the way to his location and that they would be back in touch with her to provide an update.
Within an hour and a half after Alfred initiated the SOS, the Los Padres National Forest Rangers arrived on scene. They quickly loaded him into their truck and wrapped him in blankets to keep him from going into shock. He was then transferred by helicopter to Natividad Medical Center where Tiffanie met him.
After x-rays it was determined that Alfred had three separate fractures in his ankle. He was then transferred to Southern California Kaiser Permanente Hospital where he had surgery to place permanent pins and screws into his ankle.
After the rescue, Alfred speaks out to his family and friends, “SPOT SAVED MY LIFE! SPOT is a must-have piece of gear for any outdoor enthusiast and is the best investment I ever made. No one would have known exactly where I was without SPOT that day and I would have been alone. I won’t leave the house without it.”