While elk hunting in northern New Mexico, SPOT user Larry Reeves became a part of a real-life rescue scenario when another hunter frantically reached out to him for help for his partner. “A fellow hunter from another camp raced in to my camp saying his partner had a broken leg after being thrown from a horse. He was going in and out of shock.” After assessing the hunter’s injuries and wrapping his leg as best as he could, Larry realized that trying to move the injured hunter would only cause additional trauma. With limited resources and no access to immediate medical attention, Larry knew the best option for this injured hunter was to press the SOS button on his SPOT device.
Within minutes of the SOS activation, search and rescue efforts were underway. Dispatchers began tracking Larry's coordinates in an effort to pinpoint his exact location. After passing along those coordinates to the helicopter search and rescue team out of Santa Fe, help was on the way. Larry recalls the rescue, "The search and rescue helicopter landed in a forest opening at night. It was pretty cool."
After rescuers were able to mobilize the injured hunter and fly him out to receive medical attention, Larry was able to reflect on the day's events. "Without the SPOT, the hunter may have had more serious issues and could have died from shock or internal bleeding." Being a SPOT owner for 5 years and using it to check in every year in the mountains, Larry realizes the value of the device and never leaves home without it, "If you spend time in the wilderness, this is cheap insurance for you and your loved ones."
We are so pleased that Larry was able to use his SPOT device to help a fellow hunter in need.